To promote the development of a community based on the traditions, philosophy, and governance of the Haudenosaunee, and to contribute to the preservation of the culture of people as a framework for a blend of traditional native concerns with the best of the emerging new earth friendly, environmental ideologies that run parallel to these traditions.
To conduct programs in the culture & traditions of the people; to foster an active accumulation of spoken Mohawk language by members of the community; and to continue the oral traditions, stories, songs and dances in the unique spirit of the Mohawk path.
Our mission
Tetitewaha ne Onkwawen:na! -Let's bring our language back!

"But our people always knew that there would come a day when we would return to the Mohawk Valley"
Our history
Tetitewaha ne Onkwawen:na! -Let's bring our language back!
Dating back as early as the 12th century, the Mohawk Valley has been home to the Kanienkehaka ("People of the Flint or Mohawk), who are themselves members of the Iroquois Confederacy of Nations or Haudenosaunee (Longhouse), and it was the conflicts that took place in the 1700's which came with the European peoples that sent the Kanienkehaka from their lands; their villages and the resting places of their ancestors.
But our people always knew that there would come a day when we would return to the Mohawk Valley, and this prophesy was foretold many times throughout the decades, which turned into centuries. Then in the 1990's, while in the midst of troubled times, when many people were suffering the devastating effects of alcohol and all the problems that come with it, a new path was cleared for our return to this place where our ancestors lay to rest. A new hope was realized in the hearts and minds of our elders who saw a path back to our home.
Stories and Teachings

Tree and the Vine Story

Rabbit Dance Story

Return Of The Mohawks - kay olan
2009. Ionataiewas (Kay Olan) explains some of what the Kanastiohareke Mohawk Community is all about.
Kay is a recipient of the 2009 Jigonsaseh Women of Peace Award for her continuing efforts to promote peace through education of Haudenosaunee culture, values, language and tradition.

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A few words by Tom Porter

Strawberry Festival 1

Strawberry Festival - Jingle Dress Dance