Mohawk Community

Re-established September 1993
Take Peace with You

2025 at Kanatsiohareke
Special announcement
Entsiakwatenonhsón:ni - we are rebuilding our houses! See the letter from Tom Porter about our renovations work, share and help as much as you can. Nia:wen!

Mohawk Language classes March 24 - April 11, 2025
Online language classes offered this Spring: three one-week sessions, evenings 5:30-8:30 by Zoom. Beginners, Basic Mohawk and Practice levels. See the Language section for class details and a registration form.
Some Recent events:
2024 Kanatsiohareke Strawberry Festival, June 29-30 was a great success - our return to a full two days of Indigenous music, food, dance, crafts, storytelling, silent auction and more. Niawen'ko:wa to everyone who worked together to make it happen, and to all who attended! Here's a nice writeup and gallery of photos of the festival, by our good friend and master photographer Alex Hamer:
2023 events - a great year!
30th Anniversary Celebration for Kanatsiohareke
Nov 4, 2023 at Skidmore College, Saratoga NY was a day to celebrate our 30th anniversary, with film screenings, speakers, dancers, and musicians. All proceeds benefited Kanatsiohareke - we thank all our friends who joined us!
Saturday Homesteading and Wellness Classes, July-September 2023
Kanatsiohareke partnered with Unity Garden last summer to offer a series of workshops and classes on Saturdays in July, August and September. For details, see Workshops and Events (scroll down to Saturday Workshops).
Mohawk Language Camp: 3 sessions, July 2023
On-site summer language classes returned to Kanatsiohareke iin 2023.
Strawberry Festival: June 24, 2023
Kanatsiohareke's Strawberry Festival also returned on-site in 2023 with live performances, craft vendors, silent auction, strawberry drink and more. It was great to all be together on site again, after our long shutdown. Here's a video of the 2023 festival by Kahentawaks Perkins for Akwesasne TV: https://fb.watch/lTNV3Zw0UT/
Indigenous Writing Retreat: June 5-9, 2023
Our popular writers retreat returned to on-site sessions again, after three years of being online only.
Kanatsiohareke's Fall Festival, Nov. 2022 - Thanks to everyone for all your great support during our 2022 Kanatsiohareke Fall Festival - whether in person at our benefit concert, joining online in our vendor market and auction, or contributing to the very generous donations we received. We raised over $9000 to help get Kanatsiohareke ready to hold on-site events and classes at the community again after our long shut-down.
Special thanks to Caffe Lena in Saratoga for hosting us on Nov 13 and for donating all the ticketing, stage crew, food service and logistic support we needed. Great thanks to: Joe Bruchac, as emcee, musician and story-teller that day; to Jimmy Wolf and his band; to story-tellers Kay Olan and Perry Ground, and to Tom Porter for sharing his wisdom with the traditional Opening and Closing Words. And many thanks to all our volunteers who made the live show and the online events the great successes they were.
Niawen’kó:wa, everyone!
- Kanatsiohareke's Board of Directors​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​

Tsi Iakwateweiénhsta Kanien'kéha Kana'tsioharè:ke Nòn:we
Mohawk Language at Kanatsiohareke
Tetitewaha ne Onkwawen:na!
Let's bring our language back!
Click to see our 2025 Spring Flyer
Click to view our Spring Language Program Registration Form
Mohawk Language Program
2025 Spring Mohawk Language Classes: 3/24 - 4/11
Kanatsiohareke's Online Language classes, Spring 2025: 3 one-week sessions (Introduction, Basic, and Practice) - weekdays, Monday-Friday. ​​​
​Level 1: Introduction to Mohawk –
An intensive Beginners class for those with No prior , or very minimal exposure to the Mohawk language. Study includes: practice with sounds, vocabulary, greetings, short dialogs. Registration deadline: March 22.
Level 2: Basic Mohawk –
A language class for those who have some prior Mohawk language-learning experience. Study includes: grammar, pronouns, vocabulary, phrases, sentences, dialogues. Registration deadline: March 29.
Level 2.5: Basic Mohawk Practice –
A Mohawk class for those who have been learning the language. Providing opportunity for oral practice of basic learning to improve speaking proficiency. Study includes: vocabulary, verb tenses, dialogues, short conversations. Registration deadline: April 5.
On-Line Donation at: www.mohawkcommunity.org/donate
Registration Fee is a Donation of $150 (US) per session due at time of registration. Also accepting Mail-in Checks or Money Order: Payable to “Kanatsiohareke"​